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Wants versus Needs

Interesting quote from the movie 'Why did I get married?'

In most cases, especially in relationships, you will only get 80% of what you NEED and you will hardly get the other 20% that you WANT in your relationship. There is always another person (man or women) that you will meet and that will offer you the other 20% which is lacking in your relationship that you WANT and believe me, 20% looks really good when you are not getting it at all in your current relationship.

But the problem is that you will always be tempted to leave that good 80% that you know you have, thinking that you will get something better with the other 20% that you WANT

But as reality has proven, in most cases, you will always end up with having the 20% that you WANT and losing the 80% that you really NEED and that you already had.

Be careful in deciding between what you WANT and NEED in your life.

Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have. 'Wow, this girl in my office is a real looker. But it's not her Wynona Rider features that got me. I'm crazy about her because she's also understanding, intelligent, tender - so many things that my spouse is not'

Somewhere along the way, you'll find a woman or a man who will be more charming or sensitive. More alluring. More thoughtful. Richer. Have greater sex appeal. And you will find a woman or man who will need you and pursue you and go loco over you more than your spouse ever did.

Because no wife or husband is perfect. Because a spouse will only have 80% of what you're looking for. So adultery takes place when a husband or wife looks for the missing 20%. Let's say your wife is melancholic by nature. You may find yourself drawn to the pretty clerk who has a cheery laugh no matter what she says: 'I broke my arm yesterday, Hahahaha . . ..'

Or because your wife is a homebody in slippers and pajamas, smelling of garlic and fish oil, you may fall for a fresh-smelling young sales representative that visits your office in a sharp black blazer, high heels, and a red pencil-cut skirt Or because your husband is the quiet type, your heart may skip a beat when you meet an old college flame who has the makings of a talk show host.

But wait! That's only 20% of what you don't have.

Don't throw away the 80% that you already have!

That's not all. Add to your spouse's 80% the 100% that represents all the years that you have been with each other. The storms you have weathered together. The unforgettable moments of sadness and joy as a couple. The many adjustments you have made to love the other. The wealth of memories that you've accumulated as lovers.

Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have.

But faithfulness happens when you start thanking God for what you already have.

But I'm not just talking about marriage.

I'm talking about life!

About your jobs.

About your friends.

About your children.

About your lifestyles.

Are you like the economy airline passenger that perennially peeks through the door of the first class cabin, obsessed with what he's missing? 'They have got more leg room! Oh my, their food is served in porcelain! Wow, their seats recline at an 80% angle and they've got personal videos!'

I guarantee you'll be miserable for the entire trip! Don't live your life like that. Forget about what the world says is first class. Do you know that there are many first class passengers who are miserable in first class -- because they are not riding in a private Lear Jet?

The main message???

If you start appreciating what you have right now, wherever you are, you are first class!

Does this site comply with US law?

In October, the US enacted the Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act, named after a young man who died after abusing drugs bought over the internet. Except the law only applies to online pharmacies based inside the US so this site doesn't have to comply. It can do whatever it wants. That doesn't sound very good does it? So let's look at one of the key requirements. Whenever you buy a drug, you want to know that it's safe to take it. This involves two quite separate issues. Every drug offered for sale in the US, whether branded or generic, has to get FDA approval. Naturally, the FDA looks at all the research and the results of the clinical trials before deciding whether you should be allowed to use it. Be reassured. All the drugs supplied by the online pharmacies through this site are FDA approved. There are risks and benefits when using any drug. Take accutane as an example. This is a very powerful drug used to treat acne. It's highly effective but the FDA and the manufacturer were worried. Although this drug is "safe" within the usual limits when used by men, it can damage babies in the womb. So it should never be taken by women who are pregnant. To protect women, it was agreed that accutane should only be supplied through the iPledge system. This warning is prominently displayed on the labeling and, in addition, we are highlighting the issue in our posts to this blog. Everyone has your interests at heart. Except that the manufacturer of accutane did not want any other possibly serious side effects to be mentioned on labels. A drug like accutane is in big demand. It offers a real treatment for a condition that causes distress and heartache to millions of teenagers and adults around the world. So anything that would slow down sales is resisted by the manufacturer. The more people talk about side effects, the more consumers might worry and stop buying. It's always a balancing act. Does a responsible website always give you full details about all the side effects? Well, it should. In fact, you should use this as a test of the honesty of the site. We do not have to comply with US law but we do on this point. For example, there's a link between accutane and severe inflammatory bowel disease. It affects less than 1% of people who take this drug and people who use the drug as directed by the pharmacist are not significantly at risk. But the manufacturer, which has known of the problem from 1994, tries to keep it a secret. Now ask yourselves who is the more responsible. This site for telling you of a remote risk, or the manufacturer for trying to hide it? Summary The article looks at the new law which requires websites to disclose the side effects of the drugs it sells and, on the issue of patient safety, confirms that all sites should be honest about possible side effects to the drugs offered for sale.

Saturday 9: Dreaming of You

This is my first time to join... here it goes...

Saturday 9: Dreaming of You

1. What did you dream about last night?
- As far as I can recall it, my dream is about me going into college again

2. Do you often have nightmares?
- Honestly, I can't remember when was the last nightmare I had.

3. Do you have any special talents?
- I think that I am a good cook (according to hubby, hahaha!)

4. Who is the most talent person that you know?
- my uncle, he can play deffierent kinds of instruments.

5. What did you watch on TV last?
- Moment of Truth, I really love this show!

6. Is there a new TV show that you would recommend?
-still, Moment of Truth

7. Who was the last person you phoned and why?
- My Auntie

8. Who was the last person who phoned you and why?
- My bestfriend Jeanneth

9. What was the last snail mail letter that you received?
- my monthly bill from my ISP

Let's Win This Contest Together season 2

I just bumped into this great contest. This contest has lots of prizes in store for 77 lucky winners. I joined this contest because there are lots of great prizes and joining is very easy. This contest is up this whole month of November and winners will be announce December 1st.

Here are the Prizes to be WON

Themes Logo/Banner/Design (Total 8 Prizes worth $533)

  1. Two Custom Banner Design from Buy Templates worth $99
  2. One Custom Logo Design from Logo Angel worth $99
  3. Premium WordPress Theme plus Bonus Make Money Online Theme from Neil Duckett dot Com worth $75
  4. Two WordPress Template Design from Buy Templates worth $60
  5. One logo Design from Mr Javo worth $50
  6. One Professional Header Design from worth Graphics Design by Nilo $50
  7. One professional Header Design from Mohit Aneja worth $50
  8. One professional Logo Design from Photoshop World worth $50

Some More Prizes (Total 8 Prizes worth $189.99)

  1. One copy of WP Auctions Gold V.2.0 from Sponsorview worth $24.99
  2. One Free Review from WebTrafficROI worth $25
  3. One Free Review from NSpeaks worth $25
  4. One Free Review from Inspiritblog worth $50
  5. Cash $20 via PayPal. From JoeTech
  6. One 468×60 banner for one month from Submityourcontest worth $10
  7. One 468×60 banner for one month from NSpeaks worth $20
  8. One Free featured listing of winner’s contest on Submityourcontest worth $15

125 x 125 Square Ads (Total 13 prizes worth $ 173)

  1. 125×125 Square Ad for One month from Abhinav Sonkar’s Blog worth $30.
  2. 125×125 Square Ad for One month from Mr. Javo Worth $25
  3. 125×125 Square Ad for One month from WebTrafficROI worth $20
  4. 125×125 Square Ad for One month from NSpeak Worth $15
  5. 125×125 Square Ad for One month from Eyespi20 Worth $15
  6. 125×125 Square Ad for One month from JoeTech Worth $10
  7. 125×125 Square Ad for One month from Name Sherry Worth $10
  8. 125×125 Square Ad for One month from Shopping ad space Worth $10
  9. 125×125 Square Ad for One month from Submit Your Contest Worth $10
  10. 125×125 Square ad for Two months from My Life’s Adventure Worth $10
  11. 125×125 Square Ad for two months from Wonderful Things In Life Worth10
  12. 125×125 Square Ad for One month from Tech By PC Worth $8
  13. 125×125 Square Ad for One month from Slightly Mordant Worth $5

Link Ads (Total 5 prizes worth $91)

  1. One Featured link for One Year in PR3 Directory Dawsoneng from Abhishek Deshpande worth $36
  2. Two featured links for One month from WebTrafficROI worth $20
  3. One featured link for One month from Medan Daily worth $20
  4. One featured link for One month from NSpeaks.com - worth $10
  5. One featured link for One month from Ragnarok Guide worth $5

Entrecard Ad Spot Sponsors (Total 33 Prizes of 65000 Credits worth $390)

  1. 5000 EC Credits from Techbypc
  2. 5000 EC Credits from slamblogger
  3. 5000 EC Credits from nukeit
  4. 5000 EC Credits from snapshotcap
  5. 3000 EC Credits from semuaorank
  6. 3000 EC Credits from abhinavsonkar
  7. 3000 EC Credits from gewgawwritings
  8. 3000 EC Credits from JoeTech
  9. 2000 EC Credits from babyerika
  10. 2000 EC Credits from sofhaljamil
  11. 2000 EC Credits from wpbeginners
  12. 2000 EC Credits from realmofprosperity
  13. 2000 EC Credits from jdoqocy
  14. 2000 EC Credits from suki-desu
  15. 2000 EC Credits from days of my Life
  16. 2000 EC Credits from impnerd
  17. 1000 EC Credits from Kisahberuang
  18. 1000 EC Credits from Random Detox
  19. 1000 EC Credits from Google Stalking
  20. 1000 EC Credits from Moneyne.ws
  21. 1000 EC Credits from communicatebetter
  22. 1000 EC Credits from work-at-home-wealth
  23. 1000 EC Credits from Getting Personal
  24. 1000 EC Credits from theonlydevice
  25. 1000 EC Credits from tenforty
  26. 1000 EC Credits from skidzopedia
  27. 1000 EC Credits from eleanormordenoaguilar
  28. 1000 EC Credits from sofhaljamil
  29. 1000 EC Credits from seo-tuneup
  30. 1000 EC Credits from medandaily
  31. 1000 EC Credits from lolcelebs
  32. 1000 EC Credits from bestjoanne
  33. 1000 EC Credits from ajabgajab

Other Entrecard Credits Sponsored (Total 10 Prizes of 11000 Credits worth $66)

  1. 2,000 EC Credits from Wonderful Things In Life
  2. 1,000 EC Credits from Make Money Online
  3. 1,000 EC Credits from My Life’s Adventure
  4. 1,000 EC Credits from SimplyWP
  5. 1,000 EC Credits from Wiehanne Lounge
  6. 1000 EC Credit from Michael Aulia
  7. 1000 EC Credit from Contest Whiz
  8. 1000EC Credits from Heart Random
  9. 1000 EC Credits from Fantasy Baseball Advice
  10. 1000 EC Credits from Amorfrancis

How to Participate

The other uniqueness of this contest is that its very easy and very simple procedure to participate. Here is the method:
[1] Blog about this contest -You must include in your post Links of contest contributors and link back to this post. Give your blog post link in comments below. [This will give you 2 Ticket of participation]


[2] Subscribe Shanker Bakshi dot Com by e-mails

Only those who subscribe by e-mail during contest period (i.e. 1st November 2008 to 30th November 2008) will be consider for lucky draw. [This will give you 1 Ticket of participation]

Health insurance from the employer's point of view

There has been a sad trend since the turn of this century. Health insurance costs have been rising so fast that even large sections of the middle class now find it a struggle, if not impossible, to pay the premiums demanded by the insurers for private plans. The fact is that, although in the last one or two years, there have been some increases in average take-home pay, these increases have not kept pace with inflation. People today are more poor than they were ten years ago. For a time, people compensated by using their credit cards and borrowing against the positive housing equity on their homes. With the bursting of the housing bubble and the credit crunch, people must now confront the size of the debt they carry. Articles like this are not supposed to feel sorry for employers. They are the ones who take our work, pay us as little possible and buy big houses to live in. Sometimes, we only put up with this exploitation because of the health plans some offer as part of the compensation package. But they have also been feeling the strain. The national statistics show that, in the period 2000-2007, there was an average 80% increase in the premiums payable by employers for the health plan offered to their employees. As a cost, this has increased five times faster than the cost of wages and salaries. Because consumers have come to expect that prices will not rise, it has not been possible to pass these increased costs on in the wholesale and retail prices. The result has been a reduction in the profits earned by the employers. Hence, wages have not risen fast enough to keep pace with inflation. This has real significance for the future health of the nation. Slightly more than 30% of the workforce is less than 30 years old and the majority of them are not insured. This because more employers have given up the unequal struggle to keep up a health plan for new employees, and more younger people who still have their health do not see it as a priority to use more and more of their take-home pay to fund private health insurance. They feel they are paying against the risk of sickness that might never come. This has an unfortunate knock-on effect. Health insurance distributes the risk so that the fit and health subsidize those who fall sick. If too many of the healthy refuse cover, the cost must be born by the older population more likely to make claims. This forces the premiums to rise. It would be better if everyone had a policy because this spreads the costs and keeps everyone's payments low. You can make a start by using sites like this to find the cheapest possible policy, but nothing will change unless government policy changes.

What does your height says about you?

Before I hit the bed, I would like to post the new quiz I took at blog things so here it goes....

What Your Height Says About You

You are a confident, ambitious, and active person.

You are also very radiant. You have a sunny personality.

You are quite successful. You are a smart worker - not a hard worker.

At times, you can be vain and cocky. You have a lot to be proud of.

You are about as tall as the average French woman.

this test is accurate for me. all of the said things are true. why don't you try it out and check what your height says about your personality.

Got to go to sleep... GOOD NIGHT! till my next post.

Family health insurance policies

When you're young and in good health, you often live for the now. Some have the qualifications to find employment including health insurance in the compensation package, but most take what is available and let things drift until responsibilities come along. Then you start asking questions about what you want in the future. It starts with a partnership or marriage. It gets more urgent when children appear on the scene. If you found a job with a health insurance package, you can usually add your new partner or spouse to the plan. The first issue is whether that plan gives all the cover you need. Should there be gaps, you buy top-up cover. Then as the family grows, does the plan include children and any other dependents? Overnight, you become experts in the detail of the employer's plan and carefully research what the private health insurance companies offer to give the additional cover. If your job has no health plan, but one of you had the wisdom to begin a private health policy, it is usually possible to upgrade to a family policy. Because you have track record with a company, this is less of a hassle than finding a completely new company for the family. If you're starting with no health cover, you will find there are major differences in the premiums quoted. Through sites like this, you get instant quotes from multiple health insurance companies. By using two or three sites like this, you can rapidly accumulate a daunting array of information about different policies and quoted prices. This makes choosing the right cover a real challenge. The first step is take a cold-blooded look at the family finances. This is not a time for sentimentality or blind hope. You need hard figures on what you can afford to pay not just now, but in the foreseeable future. Remember your credit score drops if you start a policy and then find you cannot afford the premiums. The next step is to decide exactly who is to be included in the policy and what range of cover you want - just basic treatment options working up to long-term care insurance. Remember the larger the group and the wider the age range of the people to be included, the more the premium is likely to be. The more conditions, illnesses and injury possibilities you add, the more expensive the policy is likely to be. This drives you back to your financial calculations. The way to lower the premiums is to accept a higher deductible or copayments. But this needs a careful calculation. How much will you pay each year as self-insurance through the deductibles or expenses, against the saving in the annual premium. Weigh the benefits against foreseeable costs to make the right decision on which family health insurance policy to buy.

Is there a specter at the feast?


One of the more popular genres in bookstores is the one marked "horror" (sometimes overlapping with "dark fantasy"). This is where the author takes an everyday type of situation and then twists it round to show us the frightening side. It's the old roller coaster ride. Some people just can't get enough of the thrill seeking. The pumping of the heart and adrenaline flooding through the body is such a high for them. Well, today's posting here is one of the scary variety. So let's start off by blaming someone. It always feels better if you can point to someone else for spoiling the party spirit first. In this case, it's a Brit doctor - they are more into death and destruction over there what with their socialist health service. Anyway, he wrote a letter to the British Medical Journal - not a shy fellow, you will understand. He wanted his voice to be heard in the profession. He warns that the symptom of erectile dysfunction is often an indication the patient may have heart problems in two to three years time. Let's just run the scenario past you. Most men are deeply ashamed by suffering erectile dysfunction. They prefer not to discuss it with anyone unless they have no choice. Some do make it to their physicians, but most doctors still treat the problem as a lifestyle issue rather than as a possible symptom of a more serious disease. The good physicians therefore just write out the prescription with the least fuss. It saves everyone embarrassment. The remaining men come on to a site like this and buy cialis online. Their research shows them that cialis is the best drug for producing long-lasting sexual performance. It can be bought online without a prescription. This solves their problem. Except there's no physical check-up, no lab tests or other examination to see whether this is an early warning of heart problems. What's the connection between erectile dysfunction and heart disease? Well, the reason for the failure to get or maintain an erection is a failure in the small artery leading into the penis. If there's a problem with one small artery, the same problem may be replicated around the body. The more blood vessels are compromised, the more likely it is that you will have a heart attack. Although using cialis dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation in the short term, the effect over two to three years diminishes. So if there is any history of heart disease in your family or you have high blood pressure, simply taking cialis can increase the risk you will have a heart attack. It's always better to have a full physical examination if you have erectile dysfunction. One final thought - the sting in the tail required of all good horror stories. If a heart problem is diagnosed early, your chances of a long life just improved except that many of the drugs required to keep you alive make the erectile dysfunction worse.

Come and Earn at Host My Post

What's your story? Hi there! Welcome to Host my Post! We're a bit different, but in a good way. We're going to talk to both sides in the game, so hang loose. Should you keep reading? The headline news couldn't be better. "Both sides benefit!" So keep your eyeballs tracking. First on to the mound to pitch: Advertisers Who? You're the content producers, the guys who slave over every crafted word and then want to see those words get out there. You could be a PR or advertising agency. You've got a marketing campaign to get underway and you need fast distribution for your Press Release or SEO optimized infomercial articles to the maximum number of high ranking sites. Welcome to Host My Post! Couldn't be easier. Just load up your copy, offer to pay the going rate for Publishers to take your content, and watch your copy fly out round the net. There's no easier or faster way to get distribution. This is the single, most cost-effective way of running a campaign. You could be an author (perhaps running your own sites). You want to establish your expert status by getting your work out there. More importantly, you want inbound links to your own sites to boost their ranking. Welcome to Host My Post! If your content is good enough and fits what the Publishers need, it will fly out of the virtual door for just a few dollars of promotion funding. First up to the plate: Publishers You're the guys who run those thousands of websites with the higher rankings. Stand up and take a bow. Thanks for coming. You're here for two reasons: (1) you want to boost your rankings even higher by getting those inbound links so you're going to act like an Advertiser and offer some of your content to other Publishers; and/or (2) you're in business to make money (now there's a radical idea!) so you're going to take the cash to publish other people's copy when it fits into your sites. More good content on your sites. No need to commission it. No need to pay for it. Better ranking. More advertising and affiliate revenue. Can't see a downside here! Welcome to Host My Post! Just register your sites. We'll check out their ranking - the higher the better - and then leave you to view the content on offer. Whenever you see something that fits your sites, you download a copy and take the dollars on offer. What could be easier? Well, if you run WordPress sitesWordPress sites, we've got a neat piece of code that automates the process so you just keep taking the money while your sites do the rest! So there you have it. Advertisers meet Publishers, exchange content and cash. Everyone wins in this game! Sign up today!

Trapp Family Reunited

~ The 7 Children In 'The Sound of Music' - After 40 Years ~

'The Sound of Music' is a 1965 film.

It won the Academy Award for Best Picture of 1965and is one of the most popular musicals ever produced.

Still remember the 7 children of the Trapp family?

They were having a reunion after 40 years
and all were looking healthy and amazingly well.....

NB:what is really tragic to this, Julie Andrews, as some of you may know by now, lost that magnificent voice of her's some years back (1997) because of a throat operation - she had been promised it would not affect her singing ability .... but it did! really really sad. she sued the medical people involved but of course, the damage was done ... no amount of compensation can make up for such an incredible loss! in recent years she appeared in a TV show, the Princess Diaries, in which she sang for the very first time (after '97) but in a very low octave (note), it seems the TV crew all had tears in their eyes ....

I'm Back

Due to my very tight schedule this past weeks I've been guilty of not updating this blog for so long but now that I have more time I promise that I'll be posting more. I'll be sharing more of my personal insights and view of things that amuses me.

I am back and will be staying for good.....
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